Loki's Prints

Antifa Vixen


A cunning vixen who knows where she stands with the fascists!

About this print

Linocut print of a fox who's watched too much They Live, read too much of La Fontaine's Fables and, above all, seen too many fascists!The theme refers to both Carpenter's films (They Live and La Fontaine's fables (The Fox and the Crow), mixed with anti-fascism.The design was inspired by the cover of a department store catalogue from the late 19th century.Invasion Los Angeles) et aux fables de La Fontaine (Le Corbeau et le Renard)Le visuel est inspiré par la couverture d’un catalogue de grands magasins de la fin du XIXe siècle.

Additional informations

Additional information



Paper size


Paper type

Art paper - white, Art paper - natural

Taille gravure


Print colour

Black, Red